The weekends can be rather unpredictable, however. The challenge is when the weather is foul, and my husband has to entertain 3 active boys, without mom. Snow is a great entertainer, but our winter has been unseasonably warm and muddy. He doesn't have a problem, when the weather is nice. He takes them to the playground, takes them fishing, hiking, swimming, and tree climbing; He's in his element. But when they stay home, inside, they always end up FAR exceeding their TV and video game limits.
Hunting season just ended in January, and my husband spent at least one day every weekend, since November, in the pursuit of ducks. So, I have some 'me time' headed my way, and I would like to know that they aren't going to spend the entire time I am gone, in front of the TV.
I need activities that meet the following criteria:
- Not too messy. My husband is not a fan of messy activities...or perhaps just cleaning up.
- Doesn't require him to assist the older boys, since our 2 year old often needs more supervision.
- Physical activity is always a good idea, since I'm talking about 3 young boys, after all.
- Budget friendly.
My oldest, burning energy at Kingdom of Bounce |
Here is what I've come up with:
- Pick up some oversized cardboard boxes so they can decorate as castles, airplanes, whatever. Free, from some grocery and big box around. Offer the kids markers, crayons, glue sticks and safety scissors, for guaranteed fun.
- Fresh batteries and flashlights for everyone...puppet shows, flashlight tag, ghost stories in a ...
- Fort built with blankets and kitchen chairs. (Also a great way to keep the kids entertained while the floors get washed!)
- Open gym (We have the Jungle Gym, and Recreation Outlet, locally. But, some Y's offer day passes, as do some toddler oriented gymnastics facilities and bounce house companies. Google it!) Usually a cost for this, but, I'm willing to pay for tired kids!
I'm always looking for more ideas - please share!
I should have added Burger King, Mc D, and Chick Filet playgrounds as great winter destinations as well!